Monday, April 14, 2008


World may seem sometimes to be preparing the next move on a game so complex that only hints about it's mechanics can be inferred. This could be a paranoic vision intending to alert our senses on a hero-like plot. It's not
At the end a game is just a model intended to delimitate the rules and functions of a system by the simplification of variables through a hard conception of the interactions between it's elements. I realize now that some games do require more than the good intention and the existence of whatever may have be considered as an element itself (sic). There was evident that some events may trigger the appearence of hidden moves; I'm pretty sure as part of a bigger strategy not willing to be shown 'til the right time.
I was really surprised about finding* a posture much like the one I've tried to avoid showing at all cost. No complain can have a room just because it is very simillar to mine; even now I must take an extra step to define what happens now in my own side.
Everything is just like it was before.
*not really sure if that really found me
Music by: Queens of the Stone Age [Lullabies to paralyze]

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