Monday, April 20, 2009


The word error has different meanings aund usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. Contrary to an illusion, an error or mistake can be dispelled trough knowledge; however this could happen even when the performer has the knowledge to avoid the mistake and it's affected by distraction.
More cientifically speaking, an error is the difference between the desired and the actual performance of a behavior observed in an object or system. When designing a complex system, an error occurs when a "root factor" is not considered and thus is not bounded inside the laws that rule this system. If the error is often likely to happen more than once, then It becomes more and more evident when properly monitored; and will increase the possibility of being spotted.
Rather than being easy to solve, human behavior mistakes represent a true challenge when finding an answer; due to the fact that mind rules are not bounded to soft rules. A cognitive closure theory approach would state that the only way to feedback the mind regarding performance issues could imply the deep understanding of the causes the gap between desired and current state.
How is it now? That's such a dilemma.
Music by: Franz Ferdinand [Jaqueline]

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