Sunday, September 03, 2006

New York City Cops

el esplendor del espiritu colectivo solo puede ser apreciado cuando la atención y emoción de 28,000 almas se conjunta para celebrar hora y media de rock directo de Manhattan.

Casablancas, Valensi, Hammond, Fraiture y Moretti tuvieron a bien juntarse y viajar a México D.F para que por el modico precio de un poco mas de 4 hamburguesas del payasito; pudiera compartir sus letras, que dicho sea de paso, son de lo mejor que me ha tocado ver.

Hubo un momento en particular en la que el hecho de no saberme la letra de una canción, no pudo impedir que esta dejara una grata impresión en mi, y por ello hela aqui, con toda su maldita sinceridad:

"The Way It Is"

She was still sleeping; the problem will stay
One more day
Said she's not sorry the wind blows her way
Accidents happen, there's one planned today
Oh you see...

I wish it was not true
But that's the way it is
It's not your fault
That's the way it is
I'm sick of you
And that's the way it is
And will always be.

Wednesday is over, it's over again.
Said my goodbyes to the life we won't spend

I wish it was not true
But that's the way it is
It's not your fault
That's the way it is
I'm sick of you
And that's the way it is

But that's not your problem
That's not a problem
That's not my problem
That's not your problem.


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