Monday, January 04, 2010

Menschlich Akkordfolge

Is it everytime we note the absence of it; that we realize that all the time we heard the rythm of our lifes guiding our tale in a sometimes hard to follow harmony. I recently heard that music is the reminder that God had something else to do than us and therefore that is why music is still keeping so many secrets for the human race. Most of us are capable of hearing it, but the true nature of this sinergy is what do we need to do to listen to what our song is trying to tell us.

I came aware too that everytime we would try to describe / permute / follow / write / explain this symphony to anoter being; the only result is an skip in the level of understandment that you can ensure for yourself; being thus kind of hard to get back to a concept appliable to your current condition. I think our own fears regarding not knowing how to follow this music is what make us look for advise on what to do next, and this only distract us from being able to hear whatever is contained in those notes. At the end we are the same alone and not alone, depending on why we use this decision for. As a result of this condition, I infer that we are determined to live our life under the long play of a soundtrack giving a landscape to what we go through, dressing with emotions this picture mute no more. Then, we learn why music bring us emotions, personal and individual meanings for a same note. There is no absolute pain neither absolute joy that can be initiated through music, since the mere concept of absolutism may be related too a certain "melody" and moment.

At the end everything is resumed to how we hear this music being played only for us, intended to bring us a message that is only feasible in the same moment and rythm we are living. Wheter we can use this music on our benefit or not, it would only make sense in the same moment and personal belongings written on a partiture greater than we could picture.
Music by: Lilly Allen [22 (Acoustic)]

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